Amy H. Carberry Fine Arts Gallery

The Amy H. Carberry Fine Arts Gallery is a free, public, 以及位于十大彩票平台校园美术大楼一层的残障人士艺术画廊(B28). 画廊定期举办本地、全国和学生艺术家的展览和虚拟演讲.

Exhibitions and Gallery Events

Spring 2024 Schedule of Events

  • February 5 - February 29: “Reclaiming Our Heritage" by 十大彩票平台荣誉学院和艺术学院的学生
  • February 17, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.: reception for Young Artists
  • 3月1日至17日:画廊闭馆进行安装和春假
  • March 18 - April 12: "A Simple Circle" by James Gehrt on view in Amy H. Carberry Fine Arts Gallery
  • March 20, 12:15 p.m.: Carberry Conversations对摄影师James Gehrt的采访(YouTube)
  • March 28, 12 p.m.:与摄影师James Gehrt面对面的画廊谈话
  • April 3, 11 a.m.:与摄影师James Gehrt面对面的画廊谈话
  • April 6, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.: public reception with photographer James Gehrt
  • April 22 - May 4: 十大彩票平台 Fine Arts Student Exhibition
  • May 4, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.: 十大彩票平台学生美术作品展公众招待会
  • May 14, 12:15 p.m.: Carberry Conversations interview with Dr. Gail Carberry and Dr. Alison Carberry (YouTube)
  • 6月15日:艺术家和摄影师征集截止日期延长——“此时此地:春田”

所有活动都对公众开放,并将在Amy H .举行. 美术大楼内的Carberry美术画廊(B28).


画廊每学年举办大约六场展览,展出当地和全国知名艺术家的作品, as well as 十大彩票平台 student work. 所有展览均由自由与专业研究学院提供部分资金支持.

You can view past and upcoming exhibitions on the Gallery Exhibitions page.


Entry Deadline Extended: Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Amy H. 十大彩票平台技术社区学院校园里的Carberry美术画廊正在寻找居住在十大彩票平台的艺术家和摄影师,他们使用各种媒介来申请参加一个名为“此时此地:十大彩票平台”的特别团体展览.该展览将由十大彩票平台美术学生和Carberry画廊的画廊总监担任评委和策展人,并于2024年9月至10月展出. 

See Submission Guidelines

Carberry Conversations

Carberry Conversations 是艺术与人文/摄影/哲学教授和Amy H. Carberry美术画廊和文化节目, Sondra Peron, and local working artists and photographers. 对话涵盖了各种各样的话题,包括起源故事, 时事对艺术进程的影响, 以及艺术和摄影在危机时期的作用.

有关即将到来和过去的对话列表,请参阅 Carberry Conversations page.

The Camera Obscura Room

The Camera Obscura Room 是一个黑暗的房间,一面有一个小洞,通过这个小洞,珍珠街的影像倒过来投射在对面的墙上. 这个房间展示了人类视力和摄影的原理.

The room is an annex to the Amy H. 位于十大彩票平台校园的Carberry美术画廊,在9月至5月期间免费向公众开放,届时画廊将开放并展出展览.

Call for Exhibition Proposals

The college invites all area artists, photographers, 视频和装置艺术家与美术馆合作呈现和/或制作展览. If you are interested, please see the Call for Exhibition Proposals page for more details.



Ample parking is available on campus in K Lot. Use Pearl Street gate.


Monday: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Tuesday: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Saturday: By arrangement only (
Sunday: Closed


Sondra Peron
Coordinator of Amy H. Carberry美术画廊和文化节目
Darkroom/Office: Putnam Hall (B17), Room 508

Sondra Peron Professional Photographer Website

Gallery phone: (413) 755-5258
Gallery email:

Mailing Address

Amy H. Carberry Fine Arts Gallery
Springfield Technical Community College,
One Armory Square Suite 1
P.O. Box 9000, Springfield, MA 01102-9000